Digital Graffiti
Artistic Intervention on G Maps
in the region of Hamburg Rothenburgsort.
Since August 2022, Neustart Kultur Fund
Bundesverband BBK
Our world is surveyed.
Every meter we walk and stand is scanned. Satellites and cameras document how environments and streets look. Users post information about local details.
And we all have access to the data. Digital maps like Google Maps are widely available today, we are free to explore neighborhoods virtually, get a bird’s eye view, look around, get informed.
The Digital Graffiti project uses a digital mapping platform as a gallery for artistic intervention. Photos of selected places, texts, stagings give temporary impressions of the places, show spontaneous possibilities. They are chosen to tell independent stories in their entirety. The project is located in the area of Hamburg Rothenburgsort.

Katharina Kohl, DG. Reiß
Bernhard Westermann
Hartmut Uhlemann
Project management
& artistic assistance
Steffi Seitz
Jan Dietrich, PERMEDIUM
Stream J
Dieter Graf Design Brandshofer Deich
Mikropol Kulturzentrum Billhorner Mühlenweg
Billhorner Kanalstraße
Billhorner Deich Brücke
Digi Export GbR
Billstraße 144
Aussichtspunkt Billekanal
Gartenkolonie Billerhuder Insel
Stream a